My Perspective

When you hear of a blog, what do you think of?

I think of inspiration, motivation, beauty, style, and shared perspectives. Many people have asked me to write blogs and do other documenting in the past, but I always considered it a distant thought. Never in a million years did I think I would be writing a blog! Lucky for you all, I am a very candid individual. I am not afraid to express my opinion.

Targeted audience

So as mentioned, many people have asked me to start a blog among other things. In my own, little world, I am known for my lipstick colors, make up skills, red hair, and clear skin. I literally have taken very little time to invest into each of those things compared to other bloggers you might see. However, my job is not to compare or meet the “status quo”. My intent is to be unapologetically me. You as readers have the opportunity to get to know me in my most vulnerable state as a writer.

ANYONE can read my blog. Young girls asked me to teach them how to dance. High school and college students asked me to show them how to do makeup. Various ladies asked me about how I do my hair. Lastly, everyone asks me about my clear skin! Literally everyone. I never shied away from people asking me these questions because it gave me an opportunity to connect with them on common ground and possibly make a new friend. This is why I love the creative world. People are always looking for ways to become inspired by others and express innovation. One thing about fashion and beauty is that it unites. I would love to be apart of that process.

I know I mentioned that ANYONE can read my blog… I know I did not mention men. Being that I am a young women, my perspective on ways men think, what they need to do, and how they need to do it is limited. I am a woman, and to give information on something I have never experienced is ignorant. I have to be as honest as possible, and I cannot be that way if I have never walked in a man’s shoes. However, I do have a lot of nuggets of wisdom to offer that could help ANYONE. There’s that word again…

My first mission is to impact! Read more to find out how- 

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Timothy says:

    Well said my Daughter!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. vyctorijoie says:

      Thank you daddy! Love you!


  2. Beleria says:

    Hey girl you better do it! Proud of you 🙂


    1. vyctorijoie says:

      Aww thank you beautiful! Love you!


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